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CORPORATE: PURCHA SI NG E-AUCTION This course describes the ProSource E-Auction tool, its benefits and how to set up an e-Auction.

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CORPORATE: PURCHASING PROCUBE This course consists of a French and English module describing how to use ProCube effectively.

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CORPORATE: RESPONSIBLE PURCHASING This course is designed to illustrate the principles and rules laid out in the Saint-Gobain Purchasing and Suppliers Charters with concrete situational examples. FOCUS ON INCOTERMS This module covers the key points about Incoterms that anyone involved in importing and exporting goods simply must know. Having completed it, you will be able to explain advantages and limitations of different Incoterms, select the right one, avoid ambiguity, apply the Saint-Gobain Strategy, and obtain assistance / guidance from the Saint-Gobain specialised transport service. PURCHASING PROSOURCE RFX This e-Learning course provides members of the SG Purchasing community with an overview of the use of ProSource RFX. The module explains what ProSource RFX is and how to quickly launch a call for tender (RFX). PURCHASING PROSOURCE SRM This e-Learning module provides members of the SG Purchasing community with an overview of the use of ProSource SRM. The module explains what ProSource SRM is and how to quickly launch and follow up a supplier evaluation (SRM). Sign in Sign in Sign in



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