RESPONSIBLE DEVELOPMENT The “Adhere” online training module was designed to give employees a simple and active opportunity to think about the consequences of certain on-the-job decisions and the Principles’ fundamental role in the decision-making process. The two-part training programme includes an informational section that presents the Principles with explanatory sheets and additional resources on the intranet and a hands-on section in which fictional characters in different jobs play out situations, covered by the nine Principles. While not exhaustive, the scenarios illustrate the various professional situations in which Group employees may find themselves. At the end of each story, the user is asked to identify the Principle in question referring to the explanatory sheets if necessary. ADHERE+ Assess your practices against the Group’s General Principles of Conduct and Action through real-life roleplays. COMPETITION LAW PLAN The purpose of the Competition Law Plan is to train Group employees in the essential rules of competition law and to ensure that these are understood throughout the Group. The training is mainly carried out using an on-line training tool entitled “Comply”. COMPLY Learn the fundamentals about Competition Law. The course contains a short video interview and several e-Learning modules each of which consists of a lesson followed by illustrative situations, a summary and a quiz. Sign in Sign in
Different courses are available: • European Competition Law (available in 17 languages)
• China Competition Law • India Competition Law • Japan Competition Law • US & Canada Antitrust Law
ACT! Saint-Gobain’s Anti-Corruption Training has been developed to present the Group’s Policy and to raise your awareness concerning the fight against corruption! This training will help you to sharpen your skills, better understand and better react when facing unexpected and complex situations. SAINT-GOBAIN EU EXPORT CONTROLS AND SANCTIONS This course is divided into two chapters: • Mandatory chapter: This course takes approximately 45 minutes to complete. This course will provide basic knowledge on the economic sanctions and embargoes. It will help you understand the rules that may vary depending on products/the country/ the trade partners. • Optional chapter: This course takes approximately 20 minutes to complete. This course focuses on the details of sanctions against certain countries and licensing. This course is optional and is for those that would like to know more about sanctions against Russia, Syria, North Korea and Iran or export licenses.
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