JOB EVALUATION Get more insight on how job evaluation is carried out within SG, the Hay methodology, the responsibilities of each actor involved and understand the links with other HR processes. JOB DESCRIPTION Recognise the importance of having high-quality job descriptions for your Organization; use the Group template to create and structure your job description. EMPLOYEE RELATIONS Understand the importance of employee relations at Saint-Gobain, the impact on employees’ commitment and business results, and the roles of HR and management. DIVERSITY Understand the different forms of diversity in Saint- Gobain, how to manage it on an everyday basis as an HR professional, and go beyond the legal requirements in terms of diversity. mentoring, learn how to decide when to use each set of skills, recognise the importance of planning a coaching or mentoring discussion with your team members. ANNUAL APPRAISAL Acquire the necessary knowledge in preparation for an annual appraisal meeting. Discover the various stages and possible difficulties which may occur during the AA. CHANGE MANAGEMENT Gain more insight on effective tools and techniques to manage change; review best practices, success stories and practical tips to successfully to successfully lead change. COACHING AND MENTORING Understand the difference between coaching &



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