RECRUITMENT & INDUCTION Learn about the recruitment process at SG, its link with induction/on-boarding, the key success factors and mistakes to be avoided. PEOPLE REVIEW Get to know why People Review is at the heart of HR processes at Saint-Gobain, who is involved, what it looks like in practice and its link with the HR strategy. PEOPLEGROUP Understand the functionalities of the PeopleGroup tool, the principal responsibilities of its users and the link with various HR processes. MOBILITY Learn about the three types of mobility, the Saint-Gobain processes that encourage it, and the main principles, methodologies and steps that lead to successful mobility. Comp&Ben package at SG; see an overview of principles and rules, understand the responsibilities with regard to reward processes, and explore the HR processes linked to the reward process. SG TALENTS Learn about the SG Talents Programme, the talent categories, the criteria and the selection process, the responsibilities of actors involved, and development actions. TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT Recognise the importance of the T&D activity, and how to address short and long term business and employee development needs. REWARD Acquire the necessary knowledge concerning the



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